Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Changing Education Paradigms


Another video that we saw in CSU Seminar this semester. I also just read an article by one of our teachers at Poudre High School about shifting paradigms and turning more toward a "Student-as-a-Client" pedagogy. The theory and research behind it is enough to make most educators stop and think about whether or not what we are doing now is working. I agree with the concept that students need to take responsibility for their education as much as teachers do. I especially agree with it this semester as I pat students on the head and push them along ensuring that every assignment is complete and that they are organized enough to complete the class. For some students I recognize that this must be done because of disabilities; however, there are very capable students in my class that are failing because they just refuse to take responsibility. This is the part that needs to change, but how? Do we start in elementary school? Is it from their home life? There are so many questions to consider when speaking to making major reformations in our education system because our schools are not just a place for education but also an expensive (or inexpensive) babysitting service. We require attendance by law for students K-12. If we are going to change our system, don't we need more choices in our education system to engage our students so that they want to be there and are not just required to be there? This is a difficult debate and one that is generally heated. As an open-minded educator, I welcome feedback and other ideas and opinions as well.

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