Thursday, July 3, 2014

Brushing the Cobwebs Off

It's almost time to get back into the swing of things! I'm still teaching at Front Range Community College this summer, but I haven't even looked at curriculum for the coming fall at Rocky Mountain High School (for shame). I'm beginning those endeavors next week as I move into my busy July month. I also signed up to coordinate the Summer Day Camp (Vacation Bible School) for our church this year, and that is happening July 14th - 18th.

I came across a couple of blog posts that I wanted to share. I'm realizing that as a teacher, I was super excited to have the summer off, but the summer is flying by like never before. I'm going to a benefits orientation at the district office next week, and I start orientation and work on August 11th. Not to mention all of the things that I need to take care of in between.

So, this blog post made sense to me, and I'm going to slowly burn through most of these things. One of my students brought up the "slow burn", which I determined that I do without even realizing it. I have to work in all my spare minutes to get things done; otherwise, they don't get done. Anywho, I digress...

The blog is here:

I also found this 70+ Resources for Social Media in the classroom that was an interesting read. I'll be looking through it more over the next week to determine what really is good and what can be set aside:

Take a look and see what works best for you, and have a happy and safe July 4th Weekend!